Social Responsibility of Mossack Fonseca


Social responsibility represents an important commitment for Mossack Fonseca and our affiliates. It is also a daily reminder about our responsibility towards society.

Every year we donate to various organizations that share our values and in so doing, we stretch out Mossack Fonseca’s helping hand. Through our Corporate Social Responsibility Program, we actively and voluntarily contribute to the positive development of human beings, especially those in dire need.

Learn about our work and share in our cause. The lens of the camera captures a fair image of what we do, but the impact of our work goes far beyond. Stretching out a helping hand and coming together to enhance the lives of other people is what motivates us to do more.

Mossack Fonseca is committed to helping communities, which is why our legal experts have provided legal assistance to many organizations, including:

Rotary Club of Boquete (Panama)

The British Aid Society

Aero Club of Panama

Kennel Club Foundation

Fundacion Confederation Canofila Panama

The World Bank


Mossack Fonseca has a strong commitment to foster change where it is needed most. It is a way to remind ourselves daily about the responsibility we have towards society.

PIERO Rafael Martinez de la Hoz FOUNDATION

This organization provides emotional support to people and families who have lost loved ones through caregiving and educational programs. The Foundation seeks to create consciousness about the internal processes that take place, but are not always properly channeled, when people endure loss.

Its main purpose is to offer companionship, educate the community by disseminating information on how to confront grief, and offer training to different professionals to help them manage bereavement.


The TOMATIS method owes its name to Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis, a French physician and researcher born in 1920. He was also a psychologist, speech language pathologist and a member of the French Academy of Sciences.

For him, listening was not the same as hearing because listening is affected by motivation and functional elements that depend on the will of the individual. Listening is far more than the passive act of registering sounds randomly.

In Panama, the Tomatis Therapy and Stimulation Foundation (FUNDET-TOMATIS) offers a wide range of programs for children and adults. The donations they receive enable them to offer free speech scholarships for Panamanian children who would not otherwise receive the timely and necessary help they require.


Fundación Arte en el Parque is the first foundation from the city of Penonomé to promote artistic and cultural values in the province of Coclé and to create spaces and activities that also have an impact on cultural tourism. The VII Art in the Park Festival will serve as a forum for art in general and offer provincial artists an opportunity to make their talent known and present their works, thereby motivating emerging artists who also wish to participate. The Foundation is currently offering local Fine Arts scholarships and also conducts seminars and courses for the social and humanistic/liberal arts formation of artists and the general public.


Mossack Fonseca is pleased to cooperate with the work carried out by Fundación San Jose located in the Anton Valley, which responds to the basic needs of the local church and the neediest in the region, especially children. The projects being developed are focused primarily on social interest issues, education, health and cultural activities for children.

Foundation benefits include a library open to the public with more than 5000 volumes on diverse themes, as well as 30 computers with Internet access and open spaces for children and adolescents. The Foundation has also opened a Pastoral Health Home for the elderly which has its own grove to help feed them.


From its inception, the Foundation’s mission has been to support individuals with autism. It also offers guidance to the public and to the families of those with this condition because if these individuals receive special care from an early age, they are capable of becoming a part of society.

Recent statistics show that 1 in every 88 children is affected by this condition and that 1 in every 54 is a boy. More than 50,000 people are stricken by autism in Panama, which is an alarming number for our society.


The Panamanian Institute for Family Education is an organization accredited by the Ministry of Education which seeks to enrich the quality of life of the family, through meeting and dialogue spaces that encourage the exchange of knowledge and ideas. This organization seeks to provide each member of the family with the tools that will help them strengthen their relationships and develop their life projects.

Last June, the IPEF conducted the conference "Challenges of the XXI Century Family" and presented topics such as: Keys to Preventing Failure in the Educational Project and How to Strengthen the Self-Esteem and Identity of our Children.

Maritime Legal Services in Panama

The largest merchant marine fleet in the world (by dimensions and tonnage) flies the Panamanian flag. Huge shipping companies, as well as yacht and pleasure ship owners, choose Panama for registration due to the multiple ship registry advantages it offers. Through Mossack Fonseca, you can access ship registration and other legal services related to Panama’s maritime industry.

Find out below why Panama should be your first choice for ship registration and other maritime industry services.


Panama and its Maritime Tradition

The Republic of Panama has a great maritime tradition. Aside from the Panama Canal, which celebrated 100 years of operation in August 2014, an open registry system was adopted in early 1917. This transformed Panama into the state with the largest merchant marine fleet worldwide, both for dimensions and tonnage. Moreover, Panama has a modern maritime port cargo network, mainly at the extremities of the interoceanic waterways, providing important cargo transshipment services to and from South America and the east coast of the United States of America.


Ship Registry in Panama

Panama’s Ship Registry is one of the oldest open registry systems in the world. It was established in 1917, only three years after the inauguration of the Panama Canal. This structure permits the registration of any merchant, fishing or pleasure vessel under the Panamanian flag, without having to pay any minimum fee for Panamanian ship ownership, or fulfill any national operating requirements, other than those which must be met for ship registry, that is: guarantee compliance with appropriate seaworthiness standards, legal security relating to the ship’s title of ownership, facility to transfer ownership, and guarantee ship credits.

The Panama Ship Registry is a worldwide leader that satisfies the requirements listed above and more. A Panama ship ownership title grants full legal security and its ship mortgage offers exceptional stability for a creditor’s guarantee as regards the ship’s credits. The solidity of the title and speediness with which the creditor can process its credit and ship mortgage are crucial factors that have led the most prestigious banks and insurance companies in the world to have maximum trust in the Panamanian ship registration system.

Another advantage of the Panamanian registry system is the large network of consular offices maintained by the Republic of Panama around the world. Panama has over 120 consulates, including 70 devoted exclusively to the merchant marine, in cities and maritime centers of great importance worldwide. Panama’s consulates, particularly those located in cities engaged in the maritime and port industry, are well prepared to handle provisional ship registration requests in an effective and speedy manner.

In addition, the Panama Maritime Authority offers incentives both to ships that are already registered and to new registrations. Discounts are offered for customer loyalty, good practices, new registrations, fleets, and new construction, among others.

The Panamanian registration system is fast and easy. Provisional registration can be done with copies of documents and it takes only one business day. This provisional registration is valid for six months. During this period, a permanent ship registration must be made. This speedy provisional registration permits the shipping company to register and operate ships immediately, while permanent registration formalities are processed.


Maritime Services Offered by Mossack Fonseca

To meet your maritime legal service’s needs, our firm has an experienced team of lawyers specialized in the requirements, challenges, and procedures of the maritime industry.

Our main services in this sector include:

  • Ship and yacht registration
  • Assistance in the purchase-sale of ships and yachts
  • Change of ownership
  • Change of dimensions
  • Obtaining special licenses and permits to navigate in Panamanian waters
  • Renewal of patents and payment of taxes for ships
  • Legal opinions
  • Maritime litigation
  • Escrow service
  • Assistance in drafting contracts
  • Obtaining technical certificates
  • Registration and cancellation of ship mortgages
  • Other related services

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact your local Mossack Fonseca Office, or email us at or

Operating with the Truth, Meir Ezra

Meir Ezra - When you state the truth, you succeed.

For example, if you exaggerate a customer’s problem to increase your income, you run into problems. The customer can sense the lie, no matter how sincere you act. If you are caught, the penalties are painful.

If you understate the customer’s problem or your fees, you are selling out what you know to be true. You prevent your customer from making the proper decisions. You feel like a wimp.

You must look the customer in the eye, without hesitation, and deal with the truth. The customer can then act accordingly. You did your job even if the person doesn’t like the truth.

When you have the courage to call the truth the truth you become a more powerful force. It is easy to hold a position on an honest fact.

For example, your software adds numbers incorrectly. You call the software technician who looks it over. He says, "the problem is the user; the software is fine." You pull out a calculator and prove the computer’s answer is wrong.

Because you know the truth, you refuse to agree with the technician. No matter how smart the expert is, or how inexperienced the user is, you KNOW the figures do not add up. You have personal integrity.

The same idea applies to your family, spouse and friends. You agree or disagree based on what you know to be true, not on what they want you to believe.


Integrity means you stick to your personal code of conduct. You stick to what you decide is right and wrong.

When you live with integrity, you succeed. You are open and honest. Your life is uncomplicated and less stressful.

When you have good integrity you have no reason to lie. You can look at yourself in the mirror. You have nothing to hide.

The Best Code of Conduct for You

So what is right and ethical for you? How do you work out your own code of conduct?

"WHAT IS TRUE FOR YOU is what you have observed yourself

"And when you lose that you have lost everything."

"What is personal integrity?

"Personal integrity is knowing what you know—

"What you know is what you know—

"And to have the courage to know and say what you have observed.

"And that is integrity

"And there is no other integrity." — L. Ron Hubbard

No one needs to tell you what is right or wrong. You can see and decide for yourself.

For example, Dave may decide it is perfectly fine to drink wine with dinner. Steve may observe the same issue and decide it is wrong to drink wine. Both individuals made their own decisions. Both are operating with integrity.

Maggie may decide spending money on vacations is a crime while Lisa may decide skipping a vacation is a crime. Both make their own decisions about what is right and wrong.

Like most people, you have probably decided it is wrong to not support your family, abandon a friend, steal from your company, cheat on your marriage, shoplift, abuse drugs and so on.

You probably believe it is good to work hard, be kind to your parents, have fun, pay your bills, tell the truth, return things you borrow and so on.

You know the truth when you see it. You know you are using integrity when you look in a mirror.

When you deceive your partner, you both lose a little. If you lie to your spouse, you lose a little. Whenever you abandon what you know to be true, you lose.

Nothing makes you more miserable than "selling out" and failing to stick to your integrity.

10 Benefits of Living with Integrity

  1. When you stick to what you know is right or wrong, you don’t regret anything you have done.
  1. People follow your example and act more honestly.
  1. Your powers of observation are more accurate. You can see the truth about others more easily.
  1. No need to keep your stories straight as your stories are facts. Less mental work is required.
  1. You handle rejection and criticism more easily. For example, you are not bothered if someone says, "You charge too much!" As you have no doubt that your fees are fair, you know the other person has the problem.
  1. You have fewer personality conflicts with others even when you are aggressive.
  1. You fight crimes against you with more ferocity when you have nothing to hide.
  1. When you make a mistake, it is easy to accept responsibility and move forward.
  1. You earn the reputation as a person with integrity. For example, employees brag about honest bosses. "He might be more honest about your work than you might want to hear, but he’s fair and doesn’t lie."
  1. Your odds of being sued, fined or convicted of a crime go way down.

The Power of Passion, Meir Ezra

Meir Ezra - Improving this single attitude makes your days fly by. You wake up excited to work. You make the right decisions. You get more done in less time.

Improving this attitude affects everyone around you. They believe in you, trust you and want to support you.

This one attitude can change your entire life for the better.

A vital attitude for you to constantly improve is YOUR PASSION.

On a scale of 1 to 10, exactly how excited are you right now? Do you really want to succeed? Are you thrilled with your goals for today?

If not, you must generate some passion for your day, your week and your career.


To succeed you must be a leader, if only a leader of one person: you.

"In all great leaders there is a purpose and intensity which is unmistakable." — L. Ron Hubbard

Remember how former President Reagan had UNMISTAKABLE seniority when he met with Communist leaders? Have you noticed how the best speeches of politicians, ministers or actors always include high-volume intensity? The same applies to the most successful people.

"A man who merely wants to be liked will never be a leader. A broad examination of history shows clearly that men follow those they respect. Respect is a recognition of inspiration, purpose and competence and personal force or power." — L. Ron Hubbard

Passion is a self-generated tool. You have the ability to motivate yourself; to concentrate on your purpose; to get yourself excited about what you do.

Your attitude sets the mood for everyone around you. They get excited if you are excited. If you are fascinated, so are they. Recommendations you give to others that come from the heart have a greater impact.

You Can Never Be Too Passionate

Everyone can increase their purpose and intensity.

When you organize all of your activities toward one focused goal, you not only feel more joy in what you are doing, you get more accomplished.

Sometimes it helps to find things that make you passionate. For example, for which of these objectives can you generate the most passion and intensity?

- Reaching a specific goal

- Accomplishing a certain level of perfection

- Making a great deal of money

- Going back to an original purpose

- Beating a challenge

- Filling your life with as much happiness as possible

- Fulfilling a duty to yourself or your family

- Helping a great number of people

- Creating a superior reputation

- Building a highly-successful business

- Helping others achieve success

- Becoming the best at what you do

- Hitting a specific statistical target

- Earning enough money to buy something you really need or want

- Making a positive impact on society

There is nothing stronger than a leader with a firm direction and passion to get there.

Financial Expansion

A seminar by Meir Ezra

Finance is the subject of controlling or handling the money of an organization, country or individual.

Being able to use the laws of finance will ensure you will control money, and therefore, will have money.

While finance is a very important subject, it is a simple subject; and yet most people seem to have a lot of problems with controlling or handling money.

This seminar will teach you the exact technology of controlling your finances - and therefore the result will be financial success.

By learning the rules to viability and prosperity, you will become the cause, and no longer the effect, over your personal and business finances.

Finance has a very exact set of SIMPLE rules that, if followed, you simply can not fail. If you ever failed financially, you violated these rules. And they are so simple!

Learn these rules and follow them and you cannot fail!

Furthermore, this seminar will teach you the truth about wealth; what the most successful entrepreneurs in the world do so as to continually expand; how to be able to buy anything you want; how to control expenditure; how to increase income; how to ensure you and your company never spend more than you make; and how exactly to “make it before you spend it”.

This and much more will be taught in the Financial Expansion seminar.

You need this seminar if:
* You are worried about money.
* You don’t have as much money as you’d like.
* You owe more than you make.
* Money just seems to be something you need to work hard for.
* You lost money and don’t seem to be able to recover.
* And if you have any financial struggle of any kind whatsoever… We will fix it – guaranteed!

Workflows by Meir Ezra - Dynamic Process Control

The only way to evaluate a company and its personnel is by their results – this is the only thing that doesn’t lie – the results!!!! You either has fifty agreements signed or not… you either installed or not… you either won the court case or not. The Reports module tells the tell of the company’s and the staff’s results… an invaluable module.

The Dashboard Module – Many organizations collect a lot of data… Actually, the problem with most computerized systems (having been created by programmers and not executives) is that the input-output relation is bad… meaning you enter data much more than the data you get out.

The TimeMaker Dashboard module provides a personalized view of what interests YOU. It allows any user to set up an unlimited number of dashboards and put on those dashboards statistics, reports, the Matrix, etc…. it provides multiple viewpoints FAST, therefore allowing you to see the key data you really need.

Org Chart – Organization are a complex organism. They are born, they grow, get sick, shrink and die. Due to this process, organizations must learn how to improve so as to not perish when the next organizational disease comes around – and they always come sooner or later.